Property Valuation, Estimation & Reporting
The objective of this training program is to produce capable manpower for the accurate cost price valuation of real estate for mortgaging to obtain cash credit from the commercial banks, co-operatives, finance companies and similar financial institutions. This training would be useful for all those willing to shift their careers in the sector of valuation as there is a lack of qualified or trained vaulters of real property in Nepal. It is expected that this type of real estate valuation training would help to determine the rate of the land which will be acquired by the government organizations to execute various economic development projects, such as hydro-electric project, irrigation, road construction project etc. Such valuation system will be very useful for the banks and financial co-operative institutions to expand their credit flow.
Property Valuation is a risky task because amateurish valuation can create losses for investors, lenders, financial regulators leading to their reputational risks; potentially impacting credit ratings, funding costs and the management structures of financial institutions. To mitigate this risk it is important to provide transparency and ensure the integrity and consistency of the data, models and processes used to process and report calculations within valuations for all participants. During this session, participants will have interactive sessions, lectures & real time case offered by senior valuator and a bank manager so that at the end of the sessions they will have bridge the gap to work as a professional valuator for their own respective firms.